The rewards of change

So a lot of things have evolved since the Covid pandemic. I left Florida and moved back up north, to the gorgeous Green Mountain State of Vermont. Ah, I can breathe again. Literally! And I moved to the beautiful homestead I dreamed of for over a decade with wide open fields and dense, temperate forests. The sounds of nature are so healing. My guitar gathered dust for most of that transition and to be honest, I can admit now, that I sometimes wondered if I'd ever have anything to say again. Isolation, starting over, pandemic stress, moving three times within a year... all the pandemic panic we all navigated with its twists, turns, new, revised and changing facts... it was exhausting and I think my well ran  dry. Then something beautiful happened a few months ago as I traveled up and down the immensely beautiful Vermont highways, without a single billboard or high-rise in sight: I felt the stirrings of inspiration again, and in just a few months I finished songs long ago abandoned and wrote several new songs, straight from my heart, with the ease and flow that comes from a deep, resonant place in my soul. I don't know when my next "album" will drop, but it's possible that I'll just release one song at a time. 

Anyway, I hope you're all doing well, rediscovering your groove, as I did mine, and living your best life. I hope to connect with you again, in song, soon.