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I first heard this song, performed in its original Shephardic tongue, by Judy Frankel and Jeff Warschauer. It gave me goosebumps - I thought the melody came straight from heaven! I decided to record it and make it the only "cover" on this lullaby cd, but when I read the English translation of the lyric, I found it sad and inappropriate for children since it's a song of longing and unrequited love between a slave and master. So I decided to write new words for it but I found that I could not find words to fit the poetic movement of the melody. When I went to bed that night, just before falling asleep, I "heard" the song, almost as you hear it now, in French. I rushed out of bed to record it. I'm grateful I did. This sweet version is about sleep and surrender.


Dort Mon Cher Enfant         (apologies, the French accents are missing)
(c) 2010, Serina Jung
Dort mon cher enfant les anges t'entourent
legers et libres dans les champs de tes reves
legers et libres dans les champs de tes reves

dort mon cher enfant oublie tes tristesses
sans inquietude, ni crainte, ferme tes yeux
sans inquietude, ni crainte, ferme tes yeux

dort mon cher enfant je t'aime, je t'aime
c'est ma priere, cette berceuse d'amour
c'est ma priere, cette berceuse d'amour

dort mon cher enfant les anges 'entourent
en gentillesse et douceur ferme tes yeux
en gentillesse et douceur ferme tes yeux

English Translation of French version by Serina Jung: Sleep, my dear child angels surround you / bouyant and free in the fields of your dreams / bouyant and free in the fields of your dreams / sleep, my dear child forget all your sorrows / without fear or worry close your eyes /  without fear or worry close your eyes / sleep, my dear child I love you, I love you / this is my prayer, this lullaby of love / this is my prayer, this lullaby of love / sleep, my dear child angels surround/  you in their gentle kindness, close your eyes / in their gentle kindness, close your eyes.